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Virtual Event Team Roles, Presenter Tips, and Troubleshooting

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Team Roles

As with in-person events, there are many roles that need to be filled to produce a successful event. These roles are of course different for virtual events.

  • Host - Sets up the event in the platform and runs the event. Best to have someone with a solid, hardwire internet connection.
  • Co-Host - Important to designate at least one co-host to run the event as a backup to the host if they experience technical issues
  • Stage Manager/Event Lead - This person typically manages the speakers, spotlighting video, and timekeeping
  • Moderator - If there will be a Q&A or panel, a moderator can help organize the questions
  • Chat/Tech Support - It is often helpful to designate a person to watch the chat/Q&A to provide attendees with support when needed, and may also provide tech support for the meeting to assist with screen sharing or communicate issues with the team in chat

It will be important to designate these roles and have rehearsals so that everyone is comfortable in their position.

Read our Zoom Event User Manual for more details about possible event team roles and tasks.

Presenter Tips

For optimal quality, there are a few tips and tricks that are helpful to share with any speakers or presenters at your virtual event. 

  • SCHEDULE A RUN-THROUGH - this will help identify any potential issues that may arise and help your speakers understand the process for the event. Also, make sure to have a pre-event soundcheck with your speakers joining early prior to the start of the event if possible
  • Minimize background noise and distractions - set phones and computer notifications to silent or do not disturb, close windows or doors and turn off any noisy appliances
  • Check internet connectivity and power - use a hardwired connection or coordinate with others on the network to minimize usage during the event, if using a laptop, make sure the power is plugged in
  • Enhance visual quality - look for good overhead or natural lighting to minimize harsh shadows and check for distracting background elements
  • Maintain camera engagement - position the camera at eye level and put scripts/remarks at the top of the computer screen or near the camera to keep eyeline as close to the camera as possible
  • Have a back-up plan - make sure the presenters are aware of who to reach out to during the event for additional support and be sure they have the instructions to dial in if needed. Additionally, having a backup plan ready to send out to your entire event team and presenters including instructions for what to do should your event platform go down is a critical component


  • Poor video quality, garbled sound, freezing screen, dropping out of the platform - try closing all nonessential programs and internet tabs/windows, connect via ethernet or move closer to Wi-Fi router, ask others in your household to not stream video or do bandwidth intensive activities. If the internet cannot be fixed, turn off the camera and use audio only, or dial in via phone.
  • No audio (either incoming or outgoing) - check that the correct speakers/microphone is selected as the audio in/out (this could also be wireless/Bluetooth peripherals), check that no physical mute, on/off switch, or audio level is adjusted on external headphones/microphones
  • No video - check that the camera is not covered by a physical slide or sticker/tape
  • General issues - try quitting and restarting the program or computer. if using a browser-based program, try quitting and restarting the browser or use an alternative browser

Additional Resources