Banners, Flyers, Chalking and Posters

Only university departments or institutes/programs and registered student organizations are eligible to display banners and posters in White Plaza, on Galvez and Serra near El Camino, on the IM fence at the Churchill/El Camino intersection and on kiosks around campus. All materials must clearly identify:
- The Stanford Event Organizer(s) presenting the event
- Title, date, and location of event
- Contact information
- The bottom of all banners, posters, and flyers must clearly include details on accessibility
Posting restrictions in the Oval and Main Quad
No signs, placards, flyers or sandwich boards are permitted in and around the Stanford Oval, Memorial Court or the Main Quadrangle.
White Plaza
Banners may only be displayed at the Speaker's Rostrum ("The Birdcage"). Banners crossing the middle of the Birdcage must be hung at least 7 feet high. Contact Student Affairs Meeting Services for further information regarding White Plaza.
Serra and Galvez Streets (along El Camino Real)
For permission to post banners on the Serra/Galvez corners areas near El Camino Real, please contact: or (650) 724-1387.
Stanford Intramural Field fence (along El Camino Real)
Stanford Intramural Field fence on the west side of the El Camino and Churchill intersection. A maximum of three banners can be posted at any given time.
Residential buildings
For policies regarding banners and flyers in student residential buildings, see the Banners, Fliers, and Posters section of the Residence Agreement.
Blackboard chalking on the ground is permitted in White Plaza only. Spray chalking by any member of the Stanford community is strictly prohibited and will incur a cleaning fee of $500 or more.
Flyers and posters
- Flyers and posters may be attached to campus kiosks, various department bulletin boards; the low bench walls surrounding The Claw in White Plaza; and the two stone walls at the north end of White Plaza.
- Postings in student residences should follow the applicable provisions in the Residence Agreement regarding Banners, Fliers and Posters.
- “Restricted” bulletin boards (inside classrooms or buildings) are limited to the use of designated departments or organizations. Use of these bulletin boards must be approved by the official representative of the respective department or organization.
Placement, posting, prohibited posting areas and removal Information
- Banners must be no larger than 3 ft. tall by 8 ft. wide
- Postings may go up two weeks before the event
- Postings must come down within 24 hours after the event
- For activities without an end date, banners may remain in place for 10 working days
Prohibited posting
- Bollards
- Campus directional signs
- Doors
- Exterior building walls
- Fences (except where noted)
- Light poles
- Parked cars or other vehicles located on campus grounds
- Sidewalks
- Streets
- Traffic signs
- Trash cans
- Trees
- Windows
- Do NOT use glue
- Do NOT post over other posters advertising current events
- Place only ONE poster/flyer on each side of a kiosk to allow room for other groups to post their events as well
- Organizations violating these rules may be charged a fee to cover the cost of staff sent to remove the signage and/or otherwise clean the posting areas
Students should also see OSE's Advertising and Publicity policy.
The information on this website is meant as a general overview. Please be sure to read and understand the full policy documents for all of the policies that may apply to your event. Please also be sure to check for important announcements and updates that may impact events on campus. If you have questions, please contact us.