Commercial & Retail Activities
Commercial activity, solicitation or other retail activities on the Stanford campus are governed by the university policy 1.5.3 Unrelated Business Activity and Internal Revenue Service tax codes.
Any retail activities must:
- Support the educational mission of the university
- Be organized by an authorized Stanford University department or student group
- Obtain prior approval in order to proceed
Acceptable examples of retail activity on campus may include:
- Sales of tickets to university events
- Vendors at one-time cultural fairs/programs
- Sales of CDs by recognized Stanford groups
Ongoing retail sales and sales unrelated to an educational event at Stanford are prohibited.
For questions, reviews and approvals, campus departments should contact our office and student groups should contact Office of Student Engagement (OSE).
The information on this website is meant as a general overview. Please be sure to read and understand the full policy documents for all of the policies that may apply to your event. Please also be sure to check for important announcements and updates that may impact events on campus. If you have questions, please contact us.